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Sashimister (Offline)
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02-01-2010, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
 (sorry i did not understand in which sense... I mean, the word 'danger' is in the phrase, but you did not included between the " " )

anyway it mean that he starts to smoke because he saw a scene in a movie? And he thinks movies are dangerous when speaks of smoking? Sorry, I did not understand... ;_;
Hmm I thought I had explained this pretty clearly.... Here I go again.

This 危ない involves no physical danger. None! This is why you don't see the word "danger" or "dangerous" in my translation. You SHOULDN'T expect to see EVERY word in the original to appear in its translation. That just won't happen even if you want it to happen. This isn't Italian-French translation.

The guy succeeded in quitting smoking. He wants to keep it up. However, when he sees a movie or something in which someone smokes, he feels the urge to smoke. In other words, he momentarily forgets about the fact that he doesn't want to smoke again. Are you following? He is saying he needs to watch out at those times because they put him at the risk of smoking again. That's what he means by ちょっと危ない.

Hope you understand this time because I could NOT explain it any better. Read everything I write carefully as I'm taking the time to do it.

Sorry, I did a mistake... the right phrase is this:
(what mean" “おつかれさまです!”みたいな(笑)"?

「メスならかわいがれる。オスには愛情を注げないなあ 。“おつかれさまです!”みたいな(笑)」
Are you kidding? That is too big a mistake to make!

"Are you a dog-lover or cat-lover? The females are adorable but not the males. I'd just say (to the males) something like, 'How's it going? See ya later!'"

おつかれさまです just means "Hi, how's it going?" in colloquial Japanese.

Can't you find something better to study japanese with? This writing will not help you much. It's not designed for teaching Japanese. I feel it's a couple of years too early for you to read this. I know you won't like it but it's my honest opinion. This writing can even slow down your studies.

Ops.... sorry... x°D I forget to insert the complete phrase...
In that case, なんだけど just means "however".
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