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clintjm (Offline)
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Possibility of Nuclear Weapons on the Island? - 02-01-2010, 09:38 PM

Japan to Come Clean on Secret Nuke Deals With U.S. - Asia | Travel | Map -

Japan to Come Clean on Secret Nuke Deals With U.S.

"The 1969 document, signed by Sato and President Richard Nixon, showed they agreed that U.S.-occupied Okinawa would be returned to Japan, but the U.S. would retain the right to have nuclear weapons on the island if the necessity arose. The agreements on Okinawa were a key part of the secret pacts that also covered U.S. warships entering ports throughout Japan."

"Japanese today are more shocked by the cover-up than by the deed itself, but they remain attached to the non-nuclear principle."

Think things could change?
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