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(#58 (permalink))
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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
02-02-2010, 06:26 AM

You don't sound picky at all, I appreciate and prefer accuracy And thank you for the explaination of じゃあ. Your corrects make alot more sense then what I had, this is why it's so nice to have some help and at 5:48 I actually did hear なかいいね! I just wasn't familiar with 仲 and thought I was mishearing.

Also もどろう? I've never heard that before. Sorry if I seem dumb, but it that a word or what? And what does 勉強にもどろうtranslate to?

And just to sure, at 5:51 he says "小学校からの友だちって言ってたねえ。" right? Thank you so much for the corrections, and sorry for all the questions, believe me I'm trying to ask you as little as possible. Sorry to be a bother.
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