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StueyT (Offline)
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Location: エディンバラ、スコットランド
02-02-2010, 11:20 AM

Wow, just wow...

I got spiked in Roppongi too.

I went out with a group of guys from my hostel, about 7 guys and one gal. As soon as we got off the subway, it all seemed very seedy. Guys trying to pull (literally, pull!) you into their various clubs. We refused all til we came to one with a half-japanese girl on the door. At least we thought this was slightly more authentic so we went in. We negotiated a 1000yen entrance with 1 tequila shot each. Everyone drunk their shot, except one guy who didnt fancy tequila, so I drank his.
That was it, that was the last thing I remember other than waking up in the street for about 5 second after hearing someone cry out 'Check if hes still alive, I dont know where the pulse is' looking at my shirt and seeing my puke splattered all over it, and then blacking out again.

The next morning, I was told by the guy that avoided the drink that all the group was in the same situation except him. He somehow got us all to the subway station and back to the hostel. The girl went to hospital that morning and they found Rophynol in her system.
The drinks came straight from the bar to us. Noone else touched it.

For that whole day, my legs were so weak I couldn't walk for more than a couple of minutes...
I'm a guy who has NEVER blacked out or puked up on a night out. Ever. 1 tequila and 1000yen later...

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