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(#490 (permalink))
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StueyT (Offline)
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Location: エディンバラ、スコットランド
02-02-2010, 11:35 AM

2 sides to it. Theres no yes/no divide to this

I was with a girl for 6 years, straight out of high school. It was awesome at the time, but I look back it we're were a boring couple after we'd started living together. and we never went on holiday. But tbh there was immensly strong love during most of the relationship

Once we split, I went on holiday 3 times in the following year, on my own. It was terrifying at first, but seriously...awesome. Barcelona was first, 10 days after the break up. I met so many good people there and it did a lot of healing.

Then in this last summer, I went to Japan for 1 month. I spent 2.5 weeks with a girl from Kitakyushu and it was unbelievable. I met their whole family, even played some football/soccer with the cousins 1 day. We tried long distance but it wasn't to be. I went back a month ago and travelled around again, and met some awesome girls (and great guys too). Quite simply, this would not have happened if I was still with my 6 year ex.

With the ex, there was pure love which cannot be beaten. But in my experience, it can be equalled with the freedoms and social life you get from being single. There is a reason they call it 'settling down', because your social activities naturally limit themselves when you cohabit with your partner and start thinking of the future.

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