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(#5 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
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02-02-2010, 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
What are you asking? This doesn't make any sense. All Japanese is written phonetically. There is no other way to write it.
I guess he is trying to ask for the word ローマ字.

For the OP. I assume what you are asking is the word that describes the way of writing Japanese words in western alphabet phonetically. The word you seek is "romaji" which means "roman characters".
Let me tell you 2 or 3 things about romaji tho.
1_ There is not only 1 romaji. That means that there is not only 1 standard way to write phonetically Japanese words, but unfortunately 2 or 3 system were developed. Thus it could be confusing if you learn one system and find a word written in another system.
2_ Even tho romaji could be failry easy for us studying Japanese, don't get used to using them. Japanese exists written in かな (kana, their syllabaries) and grammar rules/word construct are way easier understood if you study avoiding romaji. Using romaji will only slow you down.
3_ If you plan to ask for help in this forum, know now that you will get very few replies if you use romaji. Especially native speakers hate reading romaji. Try and think someone writing to you in English using Japanese kana...even tho you know English it would give you a headache after 10 seconds.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
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