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clintjm (Offline)
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02-02-2010, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
About the only difference I've seen from 2000 is the now near universality of cell phones. At the tine, cell phones existed, but were weak, expensive, and bricklike. In the next ten years I predict the near universality of smartphones or pad/tablet devices. Perhaps even in school, but that might be a difficult sell to the Boards of Education. Other than that, most cultural components of Japan will remain roughly the same.
I think the OP was talking about in Japan. Cell phones in Japan where quite nice even back in 2000. From your profile/posts on the board it doesn't appear you were in Japan 10 years ago. You could actually get one with a color screen for 1 yen when you signed up for a plan. Color was a luxury back then and it was only DSTN Color displays, not TFT. But the phones were small and well ahead of the bricks still standard in the rest of the world.

To the OP's original post... and its a thoughtful, good post:

I think the government will crack down more on illegal immigrants.

It will become more difficult to enter Japanese borders legally.

Get more tough on smoking like the US fascist movement toward smoking.

Get back into making business and system software that isn't video game related and make a move against Microsoft.

Continue to create state of the art robotics.

Get fatter until the government finalizes laws to keep your waist in check or discovers how to make even the fattiest food non-fat non-calorie.

Begin to surpass the world in medicine as the US would have completely destroyed their health-care system (by passing some government controlled health-care system) and doctors will have fled the US.

The Japanese auto industry may be belly up by then because the US will not need cars anymore because of the national high speed trains President Obama promised the nation (haha).

Moss Burger (under a different name) and Mister Donuts will have come back to America in Japanese service and style fashion and Japan will rule the world from the profits.

Japan will have to and be allowed to defend itself without the assistance of the US - because the US may be broke by then.

The 産経新聞, 読売新聞 and Fox News will have a joint venture and be the only place to get fair and balanced news. CNN and the like would be long gone.

Last edited by clintjm : 02-03-2010 at 12:13 AM.
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