Conceptual Doubt
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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02-03-2010, 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by iPhantom
-facepalm- I already gave one in the previous pages and you said 'I respect your opinion but disagree'. You didn't argue why.
Will do it now.
Originally Posted by iPhantom
parents would die for their own child, thus being concerned about someone else's benefit before themselves.
You're saying that the parents are concerning about someone else's benefit before themselves? Its not someone else's, its something. And its not before themselves, its for themselves. Unwanted emotions.
"Parents would die for their own child". - They would die for their own child because they wouldn't stand the pain of loosing the bounds they have created with the child. Regardless if she benefits or not from their decision, their primary interest is to avoid UNWANTED emotions. And loosing that affection they have (because of the loss of the child) its to hard to deal with. Harder than dealing with their own death. (which they wont, because they would be.... dead)
So, in my opinion, they would rather die than having to deal with those unwanted emotions. If the child benefits or not, its irrelevant. The primary target of the human specie is to avoid unwanted emotions.
"... thus being concerned about someone else's benefit before themselves." - Their concerning is just a "fachade". They have estabilished -bounds- with that child, so its normal to "concern" about the child according to you, right?
No, its not the mass of flesh, organs and bones they are concerned about. But the bounds they have established. Its not something material, but merely psychological. They want those bounds to be perserve because it benefits them. And, in order to continue those bounds, the child needs to exist. The child needs to exist to feed those bounds.
"I died happy because i know that my child will keep living. (An assumption)" - YOU died happy. YOU. And what about your child, is she happy? What about the bounds she has established with you, parents, what happens to those bounds? If you dont exist, the only thing left is suffering and memories for that child. There is no bound to keep feeding.
You died happy in order to give your childs life, that same life that will be marked with a scar for all her life - the scar of a lost bound.
Wouldn't the child be living with what the parents wanted to avoid? UNWANTED emotions? A lost bound?
That is what leads me to disagree with you. Because thats the way i see it.
If you want to debate with me, point me whats wrong in my arguments according to my own analysis. MY analysis. Show me the "why" and the "why not" inside my own arguments. And then, comparing to yours, from your own analysis.
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
Last edited by JasonTakeshi : 02-03-2010 at 01:55 AM.