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JF Ossan
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02-03-2010, 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
What are you complaining about? Who is dumping on America?

Crack down on Tobacco in Japan has been happening for a while. I was writing to 10 years from now Japan being to the degree America has taken it.

Yeah we all have our devices... Promoting health is one thing... prohibiting and taxing is another.

People who smoke, drink, or eat junk food know its not good for you, but seriously... I don't need anyone telling me its bad for me, tax, or to prevent it all together. Oh... we've already had that thread.

Too much Internet isn't good for you either you know... you know... they eyes on the screen, carpal tunnel, addiction to whatever have you on the net...

I throw in one more then...
Pot will be legalized in the U.S. and in Japan in 10 years.

At least you didn't complain about the fox news venture; but I'm sure you'll find something else.
When a term like "facist crackdown in America" is used to describe the promotion of a smoke-free lifestyle, I call that dumping on America. It happens here way too often, and I call on it whenever I see it.

Unlike the other activities you describe, there is nothing healthy about cigarettes. There is no safe use in moderation. That's all I will say about that.

Even if marijuana is legalized in the US, I would be shocked if it were legalized in Japan in 10 years. There is no organized or respected pro-marijuana movement like there is in the US. The attitudes about marijuana place it in the same catagory as meth or black tar heroin. It's not going to happen here.
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