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StormingWynn (Offline)
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Posts: 23
Join Date: Feb 2010
I want to learn Japanese. Where do I start? - 02-03-2010, 10:30 PM

Hello, I'm new so excuse the newbiness. I have a few questions before I begin learning the Japanese language. Should I learn the Katakana, Hiragana and a few Kanji before I even start to set up phrases? Should I learn the rules of grammar first? Or should I learn both at the same time? How long should I expect to work at the language before I can even begin to form phrases?

A little something about me. I live in the US. I'm a college student working for my degree in Biophysics. My hobbies are learning languages, video games, cars and reading among other things. I know 3 languages; Spanish, English and French. I can understand a couple more like Portuguese and Italian. Japanese will be my first "eastern" language.

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