Originally Posted by crazyviking
Both, it is getting easier in using it this year, im at the point where i can hear it and answer without thinking in english. but still at a basic simple level.
pronounciating the words is the most frustrating for me and putting long sentences together is still a tab difficult.
At the moment im working in Denmark and that does not help me. one month to go and i will be back in Norway working. can't wait. ha det
I think that's very good. I'm not sure, but sometimes it seems like English-speaking people have more difficulties with pronounciation.
Btw; when I tried to learn English, I read Harry Potter and the Prisoner From Azkaban. In the beginning, I didn't understand anything, but after a while it got easier, and when I finished the book I could read fluently. Maybe you could read the same book in Norwegian, it makes it easier to write long sentences. It's called Harry Potter og fangen fra Azkaban in Norwegian.
Oh, that's good

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