Originally Posted by Nyororin
Fear mongering is jumping on the info that there is a slight risk, and presenting info as if the risk is much greater, the numbers much larger than they really are.
I am getting tired of repeating myself, but information on how to stop a car with a stuck accelerator is important. The things is ... It is not limited to Toyotas. It should not be worded "to stop a Toyota".
What are you talking about, did I miss something? what other car mfr has this problem right now? "To stop a Toyota" is not fear mongering.. its a plain and simple fact for Toyota right now. You seem to have a problem with that.
Its not fear mongering ITS A FACT.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
Apparently you missed what I wrote. It is easy to press the button more than necessary due to the delayed response and set your car for 100. The car is doing what it is told. The problem is that it isn`t easy to lower the setting (short of hitting the brakes), which is indeed a problem that should be fixed.
Nope... the car isn't doing what its told, its doing what the software tells it to do. The software appears flawed. Bottom line... car takes off when user doesn't want to.....
Originally Posted by Nyororin
You don`t get tons of people blaming any death on yogurt - however, you DO get tons of people blaming cars for everything. Sorting through a couple of deaths possibly caused by yogurt isn`t that hard - you might have a handful of reports with one or two that are bogus. With a car, you will have thousands of people blaming the car and only a handful of real ones... Hunting for those isn`t an easy or quick task. Especially if you say "there is a potential problem" - and everyone everywhere leaps to hopefully get a settlement by blaming every accident on that.
Maybe so, but ABC and not Toyota was able to sort through the complaints and find out for themselves there was a problem.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
Corporations suck. They`re big and they`re slow.
Yeah, and Toyota is sucking big time right now.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
I dug through Google news, and it`s impossible to find the articles as there are literally 10000+ items that fit the criteria. Skimming through every single one of them to find the ones I read would take MUCH MUCH longer than typing this up.
Just want some of the hyperbole media you speak of or the "conspiracy" articles you got on your soap box about.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
Happily, it seems that eHow (One I can bring up quickly as someone who knows I drive a Toyota mailed me the link for my safety) has changed their "How to stop a runaway Toyota" into something a little more universal (the original is still cached on Google though)... No wait, they`ve changed it to this. "Anticipate a runaway situation whenever driving a Toyota vehicle" - sounds like all Toyota cars to me. (Nevermind that the article suggests doing something advised against by Toyota and pretty much every one else - pumping the brakes.)
#1. The e-how article is not mass media. That isn't even media. They are user submitted articles on how to fix things.
#2. That only one article.
#3. ehow shouldn't even show up in google news.
#4. I'm sorry if you don't appreciate how the headlines on this were worded.
I just don't think they can fit all the recalled models and years of affected vehicles in one headline sentence. Frankly the people looking for information on how to properly stop their affected Toyota is going to be looking for Toyota in the headline.
Come on, I really want to see the media hyberbole about how "americans are being killed by Toyotas" and its a conspiracy" plaster all over the net. And how the media is so unfair on how Toyota handled the situation... etc.
There isn't a media hyperbole. Its mass media at its finest and Toyota at its worst.
You exhagurated and I'm calling you on this.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
Either way - I should have known better than to bother discussing this with you, as I`ve seen how close to talking to a brick wall it is when you`ve made up your mind on something.
Yet you have to have a reply. No. Nothing like yourself. Back at you.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
You`re out to crucify Toyota for this and nothing is going to make a difference.
I give what is due when a company fails at this level and attempts to sweep it under the rug at first and does a piss poor attempt at solving the problem and call it quits until the media goes back again to bring up the issue.
You enrage me that you either defend this behaviour or blame the media for calling them on it.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
The fact is, there is a 0.001% chance you`ll experience the problem without doing the recall fix (which everyone should) and a 0.0004% chance you will be in an accident because of it. Everyone should know how to stop a runaway car, but it is nowhere near the level of danger it has been presented as. As I have said SO MANY TIMES in this thread, painting a problem as much larger than it is counts as fear mongering - and fear mongering sells.
did those stats come from Toyota? With millions of these cars on the road with this problem, this IS a SERIOUS issue and problem and will be on the road for many years to come. Statistically with 300 some millions people in the states and a portion of them on the road and driving the affected Toyotas, AND having an accident and ruining a family is a small number in comparison to the population, but still, even a handful cripled or dead BECAUSE of refusal of acknowledgment, negligence, greed, or just out right laziness is unforgivable.
Tell those statistics to the ruined families.
You are utterly heartless on the matter.
Originally Posted by Nyororin
It`s a sucky trait of ABS. When regenerative braking switches over to ABS, you have to push harder on the brake - if you don`t, it feels like the brakes suddenly weakened. According to Japanese news, they`ve already built a fix to even out the pressure levels in the brake which has been installed in the cars produced this year. It is not a new problem and was the same in the previous Prius. And yes, I`ve felt this one first hand. Press harder on the brake and it works normally.
Luckily the mass media is involved more here now in the states so that we are all starting to hear about it. How many accidents related to bad brakes does there have to be before Toyota decides they will fix last year's model?
Are they fear mongering by reporting on this?