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(#480 (permalink))
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StueyT (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 92
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: エディンバラ、スコットランド
02-04-2010, 10:00 AM

Because I already stupidly put my dreams on the shelf when I met my ex of 6 years. When I broke up with her, I realised what a crappy mistake I'd made and now I'm working on the stuff that I want, that is really important to me.

Basically, I wanna get out of the UK so I can bring my future kids up somewhere where they are going to get a better education, can walk the streets safely and have a good childhood. I'm not falling into a relationship just so the gal can tell me she doesn't want to move away.

Plus, I'm young (24) and don't really long for that right now

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