Thread: Toyota Recall
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02-04-2010, 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Stop being a bully.
Where you are getting that I'm relishing in it?
Where are you getting that I want them to fail or give up rather than fix the problem?
Think before you write sir.

I'm angry at the Toyota situation now the more I read about it and the statistics on how many lives destroyed while the company drags their feet.

They refused to acknowledge the problem at first, gave a luke warm, incorrect fix (floor mats) and closed the case, more people died, more cars sold on the road with the same defect, more will probably die because of the delay. CEOs and management response to this is unappologetic and disgusting. I have little forgiveness for companies like this despite their past successes and service.
Bully? C'mon, don't suddenly get thin skin.

It is statements like this that make me feel like you are relishing in it. Obviously this is the internet, but it is the sense I get:

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Depite what you go to on the Internet, if you watch the evening national or local news you mostly get what Toyota is trying to convey to the public when asked by the news agency. But frankly it WAS NOT fast enough, and Toyota stone walled.

Frankly Toyota should get some of these headlines and simply expect this. ALL OF THEM ARE TRUE!!!

"how to protect yourself in a runaway Toyota" IS very valid ... BECAUSE THESE CARS ARE DANGEROUS.
Those are your words. Here are some more:

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
People are dead, families ruined and having them BBQed in the media would be nice to see.
Same for ANY product manufacturer that kills people and how they reacted.
You say directly you want to see them BBQed in the media. I call that relishing.

I am just curious about all the deaths and lives ruined in this recall, as the KYODO news I am about to quote from today's Japan times says there have been 14 complaints in Japan, including one accident that led to two people slightly injured, and of the 100 complaints received by the NHTSA for the Prius, included two accidents that led to injuries. In the articles I am looking at right now, I am not seeing a death count, and it seems like that would be included if they are going to talk about injuries.

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Yeah, and Toyota is sucking big time right now.

did those stats come from Toyota? With millions of these cars on the road with this problem, this IS a SERIOUS issue and problem and will be on the road for many years to come. Statistically with 300 some millions people in the states and a portion of them on the road and driving the affected Toyotas, AND having an accident and ruining a family is a small number in comparison to the population, but still, even a handful cripled or dead BECAUSE of refusal of acknowledgment, negligence, greed, or just out right laziness is unforgivable.

Tell those statistics to the ruined families.
You are utterly heartless on the matter.
Clint, I think you need to get a little less personal in your arguments here. We are all adults talking about a car recall. I am not sure why you are so emotioanlly attached to the issue, and I don't particularly care, but just because Nyororin is looking at this in a different way than you does not mean she is "utterly heartless". Statements like this only take away attempts at a continuing a civil dialog, assuming that is what you want to do.

Last edited by MMM : 02-04-2010 at 11:35 AM.
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