Thank you for visiting here, and my questions about English below are already solved (thank u !), but I have new ones and I'll be happy if you can help me there too.
and I'll be happy to help you with Japanese!
So feel free to leave your questions!
Have a lovely day everyone
Hello everyone
How are you today?
I have some questions today...can you help?
Is "See you Wednesday!" OK?
or it has to be
"See you on Wednesday!" ?
How do you abbreviate "Thursday"?
Thu? or Thur?
Im just curious...
Is it true that you eat oysters in the months with R (I mean SeptemberR,OctobeR, NovenbeR and DecembeR) because it's good for you?
I heard this on a TV programme in Japan.
In that case, how about JanuaRy, FebruaRy, MaRch and ApRil ?
Thank you
Have a good weekend