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TalnSG (Offline)
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02-04-2010, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Is it true that you eat oysters in the months with R (I mean SeptemberR,OctobeR, NovenbeR and DecembeR) because it's good for you?
I heard this on a TV programme in Japan.

In that case, how about JanuaRy, FebruaRy, MaRch and ApRil ?

Thank you
Have a good weekend
Tradition is that is only in months ENDING in R. That is because of naturally occuring warm tides and algae blooms in spring and summer. Its not that they are better then, but there is less chance of contamination. Since my father used that as a guide in the U.S. and U.K., I have to wonder if it really applies in Japan since the currents are not quite the same.

Personally, I only eat oyster in months ending in Z.

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