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(#20 (permalink))
StormingWynn (Offline)
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Posts: 23
Join Date: Feb 2010
02-04-2010, 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by IamKira View Post
they work for the pharmaceutical industry .. pharmaceutical companies shell out exorbitant amounts of money every year as grants to doctors practices .. why? they need them up and running to get people to buy their shit. a doctors job is to look at a problem and then tell the person who has that problem what drugs they should take... and you wonder why there is such a massive issue of Rx drug abuse in this country.. it's because they are easier to get than marijuana.. only problem with that is that they have all sorts of side effects and mixing them is like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets..(so, they are WAY more dangerous than weed). go ahead and be a doctor (aka shill for the pharmaceutical ind.) i don't know why you would get defensive about me saying that.. i am going to end up working as a researcher for one of the major Rx developers.. so i will be making the drugs that you give to your clients.

and if it was going to effect the rest of my body with extremely high chances of mortality then yes.. i have no qualms about that. usually my penis is more of a hindrance than a help and i don't really use it for much other than taking a piss
i am always having to hide erections @ work etc. ..sometimes it'd be nice not to have it
O'really? Never knew this. Please enlighten me some more with your lies. It's sad that you actually believe this. In case you didn't know, the price of a drug is set by the amount of research poured into the making of the drug. As time progresses and the cost of making the drug becomes cheaper, then that's when the price of that specific drug is reduced. If drugs are shit, then why is that the pills my mother takes are the only thing keeping her alive? Why is it that without drugs we'd be using obsolete and non-effective methods of treating patients and mortality rates would be through the rough? If people choose to abuse drugs that's their problem, don't blame it on companies. OR DOCTORS! for that matter. Blame it on the individual person. No one told them to take it, no one was forced. Just like any substance, rules, etc on this planet. There is always someone who will try to exploit it.

And by the way kid. There has never been a reported case of death caused by marijuana directly. So, now please, do research before posting crap.

As to your member, that's you view. Other people have different views and opinions on how they handle these types of situations. I myself would explore as many alternatives as possible. Why go straight to the most extreme method? In some cases it's not even 100% effective. The cancer can still spread or reappear. I could as easily be cured by a different method. It depends on the individual more than anything.

Last edited by StormingWynn : 02-04-2010 at 11:33 PM.