Thread: Toyota Recall
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(#34 (permalink))
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clintjm (Offline)
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02-05-2010, 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Clint, please. Read what I wrote. I asked you how many were killed and now many lives were ruined, because in the article I read in the front page of yesterday's paper only quoted a couple injuries. I am wondering if things are being blown out of proportion a little. For that you call me heartless.
And I said read my links, or for goodness sake go to a search engine.
You are trying to minimize the situation.
Because you read a newspaper that said there were some recent injuries associated with a Toyota recall make the facts of the lives lost because of this. You say "only quoted a couple of injuries" ... Why did you write this? Do you believe that there are no deaths or lives ruined because of this? Do you only have a proxy to or only able to read the local tabloid? Believe what you want man, you are impossible. I provided the links, and you just stick you head in the sand.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Clint I am not going to accept that kind of interaction from you or anyone. You say I called you names. I did not. I am not the one calling names, and that kind of debate just leads to cable news style screaming matches that make for nice YouTube clips, but not really for healthy debate.
Whooah hooo ...not going to accept it huh?
People can go back and read your first post to me on the subject saying I'm relishing and hoping for failure of Toyota so they can't fix the problem.

I'm done with you on this.
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