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clintjm (Offline)
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02-05-2010, 06:22 AM

Originally Posted by celephais View Post
This coming fall, I'll be moving to Beppu for a year as an international student.
Anyone know anything about Beppu - been there? Live there? What are some fun things to do in and around Beppu? I'd really like to make friends with Japanese who live in Beppu - is that you?
Thanks in advance for your input!
I've only visited there on vacation. It is a really nice small city that keeps a very old Japan traditional look. Its very famous for a specific public onsen. I tried to go in during the day and it was simply full.

I also remember it having a very famous purin (pudding) maker that made it fresh and in assorted flavors.

Lots of culture there to see and take in - mainly because it is a tourist town. As a student you should thrive there without any distractions of bigger cities. You will probably be a little more popular than you would be in an big city if you have a foriegn face.

I recommend Kumamoto to visit some more sites. If you want to take a vacation on your stay in a big Japanese city, I highly recommend Fukuoka.
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