Originally Posted by Nyororin
You know, I actually agreed with a lot of your points until you said this.
If there is anywhere that marriage is almost a completely financial arrangement, it`s Japan. Men get married to have children and someone to raise them and care for the house - and women get married for the monetary stability. It`s quite transparent, and love / mutual support is really a bonus on top if you`ve got it.
I don't think you understood what I meant. What you describe is exactly the setup I'm saying is superior to entitled women who don't work yet do nothing in a marriage, often not even take care of kids because of daycare services. Raising children and taking care of the house seems like a huge accomplishment of Japanese women over American ones. That was part of my point.
Originally Posted by bELyVIS
The reason I believe that American women have changed is they overdo it with the equal rights thing. I feel that they think they need to be in charge to be equal. This is what I sensed while dating some and was married to a American woman. I think this is why marriage is doomed in America. I am now married to a Japanese woman and she, and all Asian women I dated before, just treat me differently and I like it. I do treat them as equal even if it is not what they are taught in their culture and they loved being treated this way.
There is nothing wrong in being equal, just do order me around.
(I await your rants Mercedesjin  )
Straight from the horse's mouth. And believe me, this isn't the first time I've heard this.
The reason American(ized) women act that way is because they have a sense of entitlement that's bestowed upon them the moment they sprout boobs. They're treated differently and given a lot of mercy within an aggressive society. It doesn't matter how many reactionary noobs pop up to say "not me not me not me", we're talking about a general trend here, not your life.
Btw, the comments that have insinuated this is about me, you are wrong. I haven't taken crap from women since college, and even then it was superficial. I just find it sick how all these cat whipped idiots make fools of themselves and believe that it's just normal, or that marriage is normal or necessary. The ones that choose not to listen deserve their fate.
Originally Posted by IamKira
technically, a feminist is a person who cares about womans rights, so I am a feminist myself, and I'd hope you'd be as well.
You know, I used to think like you. If you don't drop that mentality you're going to get played someday. I can guarantee it. "women" don't care about what you think or do about their "rights"; obviously that means as some organized group (which does not exist). We mention the fact that women have more rights than ever, are favored in many areas, have special rights and even have a higher rate of university graduation, all that women's rights stuff just makes somebody look like a person who needs better priorities. Believe me, being a "nice guy" will never get you laid, either. Women are not impressed by your faux niceness or obsequiousness and never will be. Women are attracted to aloof a-holes that treat them indifferently. I know, I know, you might be replying to this with "no, not true blah blah blah", you're fooling nobody. I know how you think. I was there.
Originally Posted by TalnSG
Marriage is a commitment and as such is basically beneficial to both parties when done sensibily and for the right reasons.
Far more sensible than marriage, though, is getting married by each other's word only, not the state. Then it means something.