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sarasi (Offline)
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02-06-2010, 01:38 AM

Originally Posted by IamKira View Post
I think this whole stopping teen pregnancy deal is bullshit
It is natural .. it is biological .. it is the time when our sexual organs are developing and need to be exercised. it is only because of this system that we do not encourage it.. it is only because teens do not have stable jobs which can support a family.. it is because of school.
Wow, very scary that someone actually thinks like this. Are you actually suggesting that teen pregnancy should be encouraged/not discouraged? While some teens do have the emotional maturity to be parents and the ability to support a child financially, most absolutely do not. It is not only because of school or that teens "do not have stable jobs". Can I ask how old you are? Because I can't imagine anyone over the age of about 22 coming out with such a ludicrous idea.

Just because we can physically have children does not mean we should. Do you know that recently a Chinese girl gave birth at the age of 9? Obviously she is quite capable physically, it's all very natural as you suggested, but do you think she has the emotional tools to care for a baby? Most girls have started their periods by the age of 13, and you honestly think that also means they should start having sex then too, because their sex organs "need to be exercised"? Good grief, words fail me.

Last edited by sarasi : 02-06-2010 at 01:42 AM.
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