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AoshiShinomori (Offline)
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04-02-2007, 04:06 AM

I found HoFD to be less of an action movie and more of an emotion based fantasy sequence. I like such sequences so I liked the movie. I thought it was very creative with the way in which the director shows that on one side there is a love that has lasted three years of sacrifice from a man, while on the other side the woman falls for just three days of care. It's up for grabs as to which is more true, but it was a very deep concept and IMHO the director truly did a wonderful job trying to portray such a concept.

On the contrary, CTHD was more of an action and less of a romance saga. Both films had action and romance but I found the action to be more pronounced in CTHD and the romance to be more pronounced in HoFD.

Good movies both though .. It just takes a while to really understand the deeper message in them.

Omae mo kanjite no ka... kaze no koe?
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