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02-06-2010, 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Well I've already explained that, but if you inisist I'll reiterate.

Happiness is a desired emotion by all of us. Every action we take, translates back to preserving our happiness. I can list example after example, but that's irrelevant because we're not talking about anything but love. I only mention it because it is true.

Looking at love any action we take for or against a love one may or may not benefit that love one.

I'm going to use an example of extremes. A man has the opportunity to save his wife's life. The action puts the man in harms way. He does it anyway. Why?

You argue that the man does this because he loves her eternally, and would do anything for her sake. You say his intentions are pure because he has no concern for his own safety; only hers.

This is where I come in, and take it a step beyond what you're saying. My argument is that he is willing to be placed in harms way for his wife because it is in the subconscious reaction of mental self preservation. The man would be miserable without is wife; therefore, his thought process roots back to self gain. His primary interest is in himself.

This is a literal take on the situation because it links each action back to directly benefiting the man. He gains happiness, and when broken down to nothing that is his only desire.

Everyone does this; it's unavoidable for just about all of us. Keeping in mind the fact that this applies to all of us then, then we can exempt this behavior from consideration, and move back to a practical sense of defining love to be selfish or not.

With that said; Love is not selfish in practice.
Same deal as JasonTakeshi. don't you understand that whether everything translates to happiness and sadness, you're not selfish because your primary concern was to save a person?

Selfishness is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others. In your example, he puts other's needs (saving them), before his (happiness or whatever you'd like). So he's not selfish.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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