02-06-2010, 10:47 AM
well, i believe you are mistaken when you talk about it being a emotional ordeal,.. to help prove my point i am going to ask a general question
what if you grew up in a society where there were only kids your age... there is abundant food supply etc. but everyone has to figure stuff out via experience. there are no adults telling everyone how the world works... you still get sexual desires at the same general age that you did in your own life... but, there has never been anyone to tell you why you get them, if there is something wrong with them, or that you shouldn't act on them. would you feel bad about having sex at the age of thirteen?... i can tell you the answer to that now.. no,.. the answer comes because you wouldn't be able to tell how old you were at any given time.
you would be left to natures clock. so, basically, would you feel emotional turbulence over sex if you had been raised by wolves
you would act on natural impulses ... and i would find it disturbing if someone were to try to convince me that nature does not cut it; that we need religious or governmental institutions to tell us our behavioral traits
you know what happens when humans think they can do better than nature?... we get drugs that make diseases stronger... pesticides that make pests more tolerant.. in the end we get Jurassic park
Last edited by IamKira : 02-06-2010 at 10:51 AM.