Thread: What to wear?
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(#11 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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02-07-2010, 12:14 AM

I think I'm the same as some of the other answers given so far; I wear yukata around the house sometimes, but I've only worn traditional gear a couple of times; once for a graduation ceremony, once for a club event (and we were asked to) and once for a school event thing back home. I wouldn't ever just doll up in kimono and go for a trot around the neighborhood though; Not unless I was on my way to something of that kind. That's a bit odd. I used to sometimes help a friend with hers as she did tea ceremony every sunday and had to wear kimono for that. She used to say people were very complimentary about it but mostly assumed she was doing it as just a stunt for attention, which made her uncomfortable.

But then it's not really every-day dress any more is it? Even Japanese people in kimono tend to stick out a bit.
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