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RKitagawa (Offline)
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Japanese Tongue Twisters - 02-07-2010, 06:25 AM

Hey everyone!

I thought it would be a fun and useful idea to post Japanese tongue twisters in Japanese. I found that reading these has helped me to recognize characters faster. It's fun, challenging, and it was one of the best things I could do while studying hiragana and katakana.

So I'll post a few to start off. Mine are all going to be in kana, I'm still studying kanji.


and of course:


to be perfectly honest, I don't know what the first one means, or if it's even correct... sorry! ...But it's still a fun little exercise to improve character recognition.

-Please post any tongue twisters you know. And please, no romaji, it would completely defeat the purpose. Kanji is good though.
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