Originally Posted by bELyVIS
Women aren't attracted to nice guys. Logically they say they want a nice guy, but attraction overrides logic everytime.
No, the loudest demographic of women are attracted to jerks, because that's how the media likes to portray relationships and people get sucked into it. I'm also baffled. The women I know, american or otherwise, aren't like that, and they don't want just sex-based relationships with guys who seem to neither like women (i don't mean sexually, but socially) nor respect them.
I hate the term 'nice guy'. It's become synonymous with weak men and niceness isn't about weakness. I also hate this 'all girls only want jerks' routine, because it's kack. It's not what girls want; it's what they think they're supposed to want, but do you really think the majority LIKE dating someone who's horrible to them? Hell no. And a lot of girls learn that quickly. I firmly believe there ARE are mass of girls who want decent guys, they are just quieter about it. Not 'nice'. Decent. Dating a wet pushover is frustrating, but you're more likely to be with them for a better reason. Dating an aggressive jerk hurts, end of story. Unless you're rather cruel and jerkish yourself.
Actually, that's more my point. The girls who date only jerks either have some issue where they just cycle into bad relationships ~despite~ (or in fact, TO spite) themselves, or they're jerks as well.
I think marriage has a place in society. I just think a lot of people have a lot of strange delusions about what it's all about. Not to say that I get it yet, or have the answers, but I think it's neither the solve-it-all dream the romantics push nor the horror that the cynics would portray. It's what you make of it. Neither is divorce the be-all and end-all sin of relationships. Things end. Change happens and it's ok to have the option to call things to a close. Just a generation ago, people tended to be pushed into marriage with partners they probably would have ended things with if they'd been given more time to set things for themselves. There's plenty of people who re-marry into relationships that are more stable and happier than first marriages as a result.
Anyway, this thread looks pretty sorry to me. I agree with MMM, this isn't about popping the rosy delusions of the world or logically being cynical about marriage. It's barely even about discussing marriage. This is a flame on the assumed flaws of american women and rapidly over-generalizing to women's actions in general.