Originally Posted by xyzone
Do you think marriage is good for anything?
I can only speak about where I grew up but I think American women are un-marriageable today. I think state marriage itself is a failed institution. Do you think it should be abolished as a legal contract? I do. For the young men in the U.S. I can say that you should never get legally married, not with an American, much less at a young age. You'll be had like people I know and many others I've heard of. The latest one is a friend of mine duped by a bimbo; I won't get into details.
And regardless of what some naive younger people may think, your "soulmate" is not whoever you met in high school and there is no such thing. Look up the divorce rate. Also if you're a young guy working hard to get high in the world, wait until you have the advantage over the women through money and power. Just have your fun in the meantime. The chicks who told you to get lost when they were young and hot, chased by every guy and got free things will be itching to get with you when they start losing their looks. After they've spent a decade getting banged out by hot guys, the ride will be over for them. Get with a younger, better one instead, but never marry them. Guys have this advantage, we only gain value as we age if we work hard. Not so with female bimbos.
when you titled this post, you failed to make your point strong. Stereotyping men as stupid and women as bimbos is only one end of the spectrum. You can't base your life on something your friend went through.
and women losing their looks, gold diggers and divorce? looks like someone didn't get candy as a kid, it's way too cynical.
Marriage has its place, i don't think it should be abolished as a legal contract,to me, the way you're phrasing it reeks of slight misogynism as to why it should be abolished. Its a structure in society and it's also a reaffirmation of love, not a gold digging plot. And not everyone lives by the latter.