Originally Posted by xYinniex
Stereotyping men as stupid and women as bimbos is only one end of the spectrum.
.............. the way you're phrasing it reeks of slight misogynism........
That's being rather nice. The distorted and insulting tone has turned more and more mysognist as support for his contentions has not arisen.
Nice guys are not automatically boring guys. Yes, there are those who are, but they are not the majority. The boring ones are only the ones that get attention because of they whine for pity, or froth with venom later.
Women may notice the jerks of the world, but only the psychologically damaged ones (not the majority!) stay with them once they show their true selves ...... intead of "ACTING NICE", as some here have admitted to doing.
If you are "acting nice" you are being as deceitful as those you complain about because you are showing a false front and deserve to be deceived ("played", "used", whatever term you care to choose) in return. Dishontesty attracts dishonesty.
Marriage is no place for the sort of game playing that is fully evident in the posting of those claim it to be inequal.