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(#40 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 301
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-07-2010, 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by bELyVIS View Post
Women aren't attracted to nice guys. Logically they say they want a nice guy, but attraction overrides logic everytime.
Exactly. The trouble with daring to state this fact is there's always someone who will jump in assuming it has anything to do with personal preference. Also, there's always exceptions to anything, but that's not what we're talking about. To deny women like aggressive jerks is like denying guys like boobs; it wouldn't matter how many goofballs jumped in to chime in how they prefer women's feet.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The very fact that there are literally hundreds of millions of happily married people in the world refutes the general argument.
It doesn't matter. The point you're trying to make is like saying ~ 1 in 6 people in the world starving is not that bad because a lot of people get to eat in Africa.

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
No, the loudest demographic of women are attracted to jerks, because that's how the media likes to portray relationships and people get sucked into it.
You mean the armies of sitcoms and TV shows that show marriages and people staying married? Everyone is married and staying that way because TV said so. Never mind the truth that about half of marriages end in divorce - and rising. Of course, even when divorce does happen in happyland, it's just that "it didn't work out" and is the most normal thing in the world. It's like a high school break up. Move on and start dating again while the kids dress you and give you dating tips. All's well.

The women I know, american or otherwise, aren't like that, and they don't want just sex-based relationships with guys who seem to neither like women (i don't mean sexually, but socially) nor respect them.
Maybe those women you know take what they can get. Most people do. Because it's funny how the women with the most options, the cheerleader models, etc., strangely, we never see them with "nice guys". Never happens. We see them with aggressive "jerks". Not to mention the fact that I never said women consciously seek sex-based relationships to get used. They fall into them due to being physically attracted to jerks.

Besides that, personal bubbles don't really prove anything and I never presumed to say my personal experience alone proves anything I said. We could have a war of he said she said, or we could look at tangible data instead, like the divorce rate and the amount of single mothers. The fact those single mothers were attracted to jerks is strongly evident if not obvious.

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
Stereotyping men as stupid and women as bimbos is only one end of the spectrum.
I didn't stereotype men as stupid so much as brainwashed and lacking direction.

and women losing their looks, gold diggers and divorce?
All facts. Party girls become some old guy's or some dumb, yet successful nerd's trophy wife once she had her fill of hot jerk guys.

looks like someone didn't get candy as a kid, it's way too cynical.
Might as well check off the list of clichéd punishments for me bringing this up.

- fail at relationships
- can't get women to begin with
- gay
- misogynist... wait there it is:

Marriage has its place, i don't think it should be abolished as a legal contract,to me, the way you're phrasing it reeks of slight misogynism as to why it should be abolished.
I already conceded that I'm willing to not call for abolishing it. I ask in return that I can rightfully call men who get into those contracts fools without me being called crazy, et al.

Its a structure in society and it's also a reaffirmation of love, not a gold digging plot. And not everyone lives by the latter.
Again I ask, why is a legal contract necessary to "reaffirm" love? And do you ignore the divorce rate and the fate of men in most divorces? They lose.

Here's one guy's thoughts about it, I don't agree with some of it, but his main points are right:
YouTube - How Feminism Screwed my Generation

Last edited by xyzone : 02-07-2010 at 07:50 PM.
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