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02-07-2010, 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by Twisted View Post
First of all, what is selfishness? I personally define selfishness as actions or ways of thinking focussed on ones own gain.
Selfishness is acting for your own gain, regardless if others gain as well. But the primary concern is ourself. You got this right, but you didn't analyze the rest well. Let's see:

Why do we fall in love? Because deep in our genes there is a need for a mate. We need a mate (in general) to procreate or to complete oneself. Therefore, it centres around the individual. His or her needs, desires and drives.
Entirely wrong, that isn't the reason we love. That's just sexual attraction. Here comes asexual love, parents-child love. You don't want to have sex with your child, do you?

Why donate for Tahiti? Because these people need help? Yes, but doesn't it give you status as well? It makes you feel a better person. You've helped those poor people by making it possible that food is bought.
But the main focus is on helping them. If you follow your own definition, the situation here would NOT be selfish.

So helping other can be out of a need that needs to be fulfilled. Loving someone and feeling loved are some of those needs. A parents love, wanting the best for their children can be altruism. "I want my children to have all those thing I didn't have as a kid.". A need to see them happy because it makes you happy. Again, a need. One needs to feel happy, ones happiness is at the centre of ones existence. Without happiness there is no hope, without hope one loses the will to live.
Also, altrusim for the same reason as before.

It boils down to this: survival and recognition.

Love has a hold on us, whether we like it or not. We have no say in it. It can bring forth the best in us, but also the worst in us. Love, as a emotion, is selfish. It dominates your life and dictates your actions with friends, family, you life mate and others. It drives you to fulfil its needs or causes you to feel miserable because you didn't. It can bring forth happiness, but also hatred and jealousy. Yes, love has strange bedfellows.

So, for those who went "tl;dr" here: Love is a selfish emotion centred around fulfilling it's needs.
Eh? Your arguments are kind of weird. You come with the result that love is selfish but nothing explains it there, really.

Love focuses on caring for others before oneself. To me, happiness is just an aftereffect of it. doesn't necessarily make me selfish, but an altruist (which also includes having selfish emotions in it, but not as the primary focus)

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
Hoi iPhantom, seems like the numbers are agaisn't you.

Wait, i thought I were alone?
O_o Last time I checked JUST page 1, they were all against you. Might have changed, who knows, go back and check it.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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