Originally Posted by iPhantom
Divorce financial advantages, or in more rare cases, death of husband so they can get all money for themselves, and more often trying to subdue the husband to give the money to her some way or another (ALSO via the child, which usually are given to the wife after a divorce).
Yeah, marriage isn't really needed.
It may not be needed, but I really don`t think that it has that big of an effect - to be quite honest.
I grew up with a party girl mom, the type who did gold dig, who did leap in bed with jerks for the thrill while sucking cash out of nice guys on reserve.
And one thing I can say with 100% certainty - not being married to any of them certainly didn`t change a single thing. In fact, the only relationships that DIDN`T end up with her taking the car and home were her two marriages. At least if she`d been married there would have been a fighting chance of the kids going to their fathers, which is better than the total lack that was reality.
I do not believe that legal marriage is the culprit. It is entirely the attitudes regarding relationships. Those need to change. Without change there, abolishing legal marriage wouldn`t mean a thing.