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Twisted (Offline)
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02-08-2010, 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by MeIsKevin View Post
I don't wanna have any of the consoles you listed, I want my Nes back :<
Mario and Bomberman... God, I miss those games...

Anywho, each machine has it's merits.

Mikeysoft (microsoft) has on-line play sorted properly, has a system to keep people interested (achievements) and has a but-load of high ranking games. Some of them system exclusive.

Sony has a good system on a wider basis, playing the multimedia card well. You can do a lot more than play games with it. However, on-line play has only recently been up on Mikeysoft's level and the line up isn't nearly as impressive. They had the xbox running for it's money in RPG's, but it caught up in that perspective fast. The six-axes is a wii-mote rip-off and most exclusive titles are, in my opinion, not really that special. And sony is being as stubborn as usual.

The wii is the odd one out in graphics, but the big N gets it where it counts: gameplay. It doesn't have eye-popping, jaw-dropping graphics, but it really put the fun back in gaming. And you can exercise with it as well (wii fit). Fab line up with games. Love the new mario bros. game.

So, if you're a hard core gamer you go for either x-box or wii (most HC gamers have both) and the gadget guys and gals go for the PS3 to get a cheap blu ray player. PS3 is good for gaming, but it's third choice for the hard core crowd. Trust me, I hang with some of those guys. Sony may catch up because they have some heavy hitters in their corner, but Big N and Mikeysoft aren't pulling any punches.

Me? I'm getting an X-Box with FF XIII and this Christmas a PS3 with FF Versus XIII and MGS 4, maybe DMC 4 (or 5 if it's made). Next year a wii with some good games...

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Henry V, St. Crispin Day speech
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