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JF Ossan
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02-09-2010, 02:41 AM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
Which? You don't believe that nearly 1 billion people in the world suffer from hunger? Ok, then. You can go research it or you can consider me a liar. Same goes for the divorce rate.

What, exactly? Besides a legal contract.
No, xy, you tried to manipulate my words by saying since some people in Africa weren't hungry the fact a certain percentage were "wasn't bad". Which I never said.

You have approached to topic of marriage in a very black and white, when the truth is, it isn't that black and white. As I stated earlier, the sheer number of successful marriages that don't end in divorce is a testament to the fact that marriages do work, and has been a successful institution for thousands of years.

In fact, if you wait until the age of 30 to get married, only about 10% of marriages end in divorce.

You ask what a marriage is, besides a legal contract. If you really think it is nothing but a legal contract, then I suggest you talk to someone who is married, and has been for a long time.

Yes, a marriage is a legal status, but it is also a religious and spiritual contract. It is society's way for two people to show complete dedication to each other. It is society's way of declaring to the world that you and your mate are "off the market". By doing so you are creating a family that is built to last. Those who are married, rather than just living together, are seen by society, and their families, differently.

So, I do understand why younger people might not understand what the bid deal is, but it is one of the largest milestones in a person's life, and one of the biggest and most difficult decisions a person will ever make.
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