02-09-2010, 04:56 AM
Don't feel bad, MMM. I only keep up because my family is from there, and I have cousins in and around Dublin. If I didn't have a direct connection to the country, I probably wouldn't know as much as I do about the political systems and culture of both the Republic and Northern Ireland.
Also, if I ever do use my Irish citizenship and vote, I will want to make sure it is an informed choice. There is also the issue that citizenship ends with me, unless I take my children to live in Ireland for a period of time. I was not born in Ireland, my father was not born in Ireland, but my grandfather was (and did not become an American citizen), by law my father was (he passed in 1987) and I am Irish, but my children are only Irish if I take them on Irish soil...
IE, not your normal connection to a "foriegn" country. I sure don't know anything about, say, Uzbekistan.
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