Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
hi there,
sorry about my English, forgive me.
It's quite alright.
then put it into the toaster (oh so you call it toaster oven!?) for 1 min will be enough or maybe less than 1 min.
Yeah, that's what I call what looks like a miniature oven with an adjustable grill and broiling sheets.
by the way...
do you know "TimTam"s?
The words aren't familiar to me, I admit.
can you teach me how should have explained?
Most of the confusion came from a difference in perception between "toaster" and "toaster oven". You expressed the concept in the way you were comfortable, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm familiar with both appliances, but my first instinct was to think of the vertical toaster used for bread. My thought process is odd that way. :P