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(#12 (permalink))
Hrodgar (Offline)
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Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN.
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02-09-2010, 06:35 PM

I think all scandinavian countries are the same regarding english. It's mandatory in school.

Therefore "everybody" is capable of speaking english. (I use capable because there will be all between the people sounding exactly like americans or englishmen and then there will be the cases of Swedish chef)

The problem being on the other hand that it tends to be very hard for a foreigner to learn the native language without going to a class for it, because everyone tend to speak english with foreigners!

I had a French friend that learned to write and speak Korean within 6 months of living there.
He then lived 6 years in Sweden and NEVER learned Swedish more then the casual and odd sentences. We all spoke English to him and it drove him nuts! :-P
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