Originally Posted by IamKira
I have been wondering how widespread the use of English is in Norway. I really want to learn the native language of wherever I end up living so I will have to start learning Norwegian, but it would be a nice transition if bi - trilingualism included l'anglais
so, basically, do lot's of people understand english, or is it like Malta where mostly the younger generation speaks it, or are you just an odd one? 
(I really don't want to be the dumb american who can't be bothered to learn the language.. god help me if i'm ever looked upon like i look upon the illegal mexican's in our country...although I am kind of ok with the illegal immigrants who bother to learn english)

No, I think most adults and most of the youth know Norwegian, and many old people too. If you're an adult and don't know English, you would probably have difficulties finding a job, because so much is in English. Also, many of the study programes are in English, for example computer studies and many economic studies. So at least most of the youth and adults know a lot of English - but the women are usually better at the pronounciation part

Here's an example:
YouTube - Thorbjørn Jagland (Nobel Committee ) speech for Barack Obama