Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
hi there,
sorry about my English, forgive me.
so... now you've got the idea right, right?
for one nori sheet, maybe one table spoonful of soysauce
if you have a brush (like...for painting), it will be the best way to spread the sauce thin
then put it into the toaster (oh so you call it toaster oven!?) for 1 min will be enough or maybe less than 1 min.
Please try it and tell me how it went!
by the way...
do you know "TimTam"s?
can you teach me how should have explained?
Your english is quite good, actually.
I'll try and buy some nori soon. I have a brush I keep specially for cooking. It's useful when making pies and getting the pastry to stick together.
Tim-tams are those Australian cookies right? I've never tried them, but I know a lot of people like them. I guess you must like tim-tams a lot!
Maybe if you had described the "toaster" a bit it would have helped; but you weren't to know that 'toaster ovens' and 'toasters' are different in Canada and England. Some words are very interchangeable. Like, we don't have toaster ovens much in the UK, just bread toasters and a 'grill' which is an electric wire that gets red hot (or a gas flame); you put the food in a tray underneath it. But a 'grill' in America normally means a BBQ.