02-09-2010, 07:49 PM
I've been trying to figure out a solid plan for a few years now of how I want to go about achieving my dreams and also not becoming discouraged or depressed at a horrible outcome I've brought about by insufficient planning. Now that I've run out of time for idly sitting and thinking things out and it's time to act, I've got *almost* everything figured out. College first, and it was always gonna be that way. As much schooling and knowledge gain as is possible before I up and whisk myself away to Japan. And ideas like "What if it turns out I don't like living in Japan, even after all I know and have learned; what if it turns out I don't want to be in Japan?" have crossed my mind, so I intend to save up money to spend a few weeks in Japan as something of a "taste test". Because if I get my Masters degree (as I plan to) without doing something like that in Japanese teaching/esl teaching and go to Japan and be totally disappointed, then I have wasted 8+ years of my life and will have to start over again, which no one wants to do or even admit to doing.
I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....