Originally Posted by marklewk
I'd like to begin a semi-informal study group for karate. i've been training for 20+ years. I'm looking for a word to describe a study group, practice group, etc that would meet at various locations. Dojo refers to a specific place which i dont yet have. Doukoukai is one possibility. If you could suggest some words to use, and comment on doukoukai, it would be most helpful.
Arigato gozaimasu.
I can think of three for a starter.
練習会 (れんしゅうかい)
稽古会 (けいこかい)
勉強会 (べんきょうかい)
To my native Japanese ear, 同好会(どうこうかい) sounds a little bit off if you already belong to a 道場, but it might still be a choice.