Originally Posted by noodle
I'm not so sure about that... in many Muslim countries, and other very religious countries, it's taught that sex before marriage is "bad and evil". Teenage pregnancies are a rarity and it's not because the kids are religious, it's because they actually fear the idea and believe it is BAD and EVIL to do anything with a girl until you're married!
They are rare as the women get stoned to death or beaten if they get raped let alone are found guilty of instigating the act of sex.
I think the kids and teens over here (Japan) grow up with a whole different set of values then in the UK/USA. You don't see 6-10 year olds roaming the streets after 5PM; you don't see them breaking things, harassing people, getting drunk, smoking weed and the list could go on to be a very long one.
The point is that their disposition to doing something that westerners would not think twice about is based in a society that has a strong and balanced spirit. (plz, I am generalising).
For kids in the west it is a kudos thing among their cliques to do certain things. This is why in the UK you "is a bad man" if you stab some passer-by with your knife while your buddies laugh and joke. And for girls to do the same thing.
Kids in their 10's and up are smoking the weed and getting drunk; mostly on mum n' dad's weed n' booze.
The Japanese don't have that type of culture, thank god! And while to some degree some people do do bad shit here it is a very small amount of people a small amount of the time.
Yes the pension system will get very bad but at least the Japanese kids are studying and will be productive people. Not like the bunch of stoned, alcoholic, violent under educated layabouts you will end up with in the UK. (and USA but not so bad).
For most Japanese boy and girl teens sex is something to talk and snigger about. Kind of like in the UK 30 years ago.