Thanks a lot for the help... I'm understand a lot of new things.... m(_ _)m
This specific word from what word derive exactly?
I was curious about this "結構" literally what mean this word? (in the case I will find again in future?):
Originally Posted by Sashimister
It has to be a typo for デスクワーク.
結構デスクークが残ってた = I had left more deskwork undone (than I thought).
Originally Posted by Sashimister
I have to repeat what the other Japanese have already told you here a few times. Translation between Japanese and English doesn't work like that. They aren't at all related languages.
"I'm coming to the bar." means the speaker has not arrived at the bar yet. He is either getting ready to go to the bar or is now on his way to the bar.
きております means "one has already arrived at a place and is still staying there."
I'm sorry that I did not understand, but really I try my best to not commit mistakes, but I was follow that rules that I read in grammar japanese's books that after the -te form of a verb , a verb indicating continuing action or state , that's why I add '-ing' ... I could never know that it was wrong... now I wonder.... in future... how I can understand when I can add the -ing and when not? Is not so easy for not japanese people to understand this... even if you said that japanese don't works like english, I know, but if a read a rule that tell me this, and there's was someone like you that correct me, I would never know this... that's what scary me.... °O°
I hope you are not mad with me, to help me.... °O°
Originally Posted by Sashimister
The original is a horrible sentence that uses both 机 and デスク. That's in bad taste by any standard. This person is not in control of his own writing.
In which sense is horrible to use 机 and デスク together in any standard? In the sense that is bad to use kanji and katakana in the same sentence? But I don't understand why.. O.o
Thanks again for the help!