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godwine (Offline)
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02-11-2010, 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by alexlovesrock View Post
1. yes all iphones except a model made especially for mainland china (b/c of crazy govt regs there) are the same around the world. so you could use an unlocked iphone 3g or 3gs (not 2g) in Japan... if u had a sim card.. which is a big if.

2. apple recently removed the no skype calls over 3g data restriction... meaning if u could get a 3g data plan in japan... but not a voice plan.. you could make VOIP calls thru ur iphone in japan using a data network... without a voice plan. also u could do this thru wifi anywhere in japan.

3. i would recommend renting a phone so u dont have to go thru this hassle. of course renting a phone is its own hassle... but this way people can call you directly in japan, and you wont have to worry about any of these other variables like downloading software or using skype or whatever.

4. u may find u dont even need a phone, especially if u dont have to meet japanese friends.... who would you call anyway? japan is a safe place so you dont have to worry about needing the emergency call phone like u would in new york or something. even if u have to meet japanese friends... if u see them alot u can email their phones from gmail and set up meeting points.

..... sorry if these numbers are wierd but like..... i felt like writing like this today and it organizes my thoughts better...

i hope it helped u....
If Japan's infrastructure support 3G or 3Gs GSM, won't other 3G/3Gs phone work? Does it HAVE to be an iPhone?
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