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clintjm (Offline)
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02-11-2010, 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by termogard View Post
Strange. Today my fellow chief of local service center for home electronic goods made me complaints about a huge amount of broken LCD TV and plasma flat TV panels which were brought into service department right after New Year holydays. He also paid a tribute for good ol' bulky CRT TVs
Indeed. CRT TVs die hard and are quite reliable.
The color quality and do not suffer from "input lag" as most LCDs do:

Input lag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

When playing a high speed FPS, a CRT is almost always the weapon of choice.

I've yet to invest with a LCD or Plasma Tv because of how fragile and expensive they are. I don't watch a lot of TV to begin with, so I'll stick with my CRTs.

As far as computer CRTS, the same... a little less lifespan but still you can display almost any resolution at different refresh rates, but no input lag and the vivid color from them are usually much better than the average LCD.

Sure CRTs are bulkier, but if you got the room and want to save some money along with peace of mind, CRT is the way to go.

However a 1080p projector might be something to think about as a LCD alternative. Maybe in 5 years when my current CRTs start to fail or I just move.
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