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JF Ossan
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02-11-2010, 11:03 PM

Well, that's debatable, and we could be here all day back and forth to no avail. Glass half empty, glass half full.[/quote]

I am not sure how you can argue that general statistics is debatabley better than more detailed statistics...but that seems to be the foundation for your argument, regardless.

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
They're good odds if you're just into odds for the sake of odds. But I'm not going to dismiss the hot-lead of the other 10%. Not to mention that these statistics may be incomplete, as I comment below.
No, they are good if you are person that doesn't believe the fundamental argument of this entire thread: that marriages fail and men lose. I am saying 90% of marriages that happen after the couple is the age 30 do not end in divorce. I posted my sources. Now if YOU don't want to get married...if those odds (assuming you look at odds like that before getting married) are too intimidating, no one is forcing you to do it. Just don't deny the facts.

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
The ceremony is, perhaps. The contract is just a contract in my view.
In your view. But I bet if you ask 100 married couples if they saw their marriage as simply a legal contract and nothing more, you would get 100 answers "no".

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
That's between the two people. I don't see any reasonable thinker believing that an adult couple needs a contract to slap their hand with a ruler in case they want to cheat. Cheating is something a person decides, not something that comes their way externally due to lack of posted signs.
This is what you don't understand, and is why I am not going to spend too much more time on it.

A marriage doesn't make a relationship or change the people in it. It is the opposite:

The people in the relationship MAKE the marriage. It is much more than simply a "legal contract" as you want to call it, but a BOND between two people.

The reason people that aren't married cheat on each other at higher rates is not because they aren't married, but because they aren't as committed to each other.

The reason marriages between younger people end in divorce at higher rates is because usually they are too immature to know themselves well enough to know if they are ready to get married.

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
And I'm calling attention on the bad things.
No need to remind us.

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
So basically, in a nutshell, the argument in favor of the marriage contract I'm seeing here is "because it's tradition and because of economic reasons". Not strong enough reasons to offset the risks.
Said by a happy bachelor. I don't think you are getting it. No man sees the benefits of getting married, until he meets the right mate and feels that level of commitment. Then marriage makes perfect sense.
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