Originally Posted by PockyMePink
ITT: Butthurt people.
For pete's sake, lighten up guys. Anything comedy-wise that involves the Japanese is going to be stereotypical. Actually, comedy itself is stereotypical, no matter who it involves. It's not meant to be taken so seriously.
Anywho, on topic. I lol'd at the shirt.
I had a feeling someone would come up and say "lighten up".
I have no problem with poking fun at stereotypes, but this shirt crosses the line from poking fun to what I consider to be racist.
Let's look at some examples:
9. Concept of the word "the" is beyond his comprehension.
So Japanese people are so stupid, they cannot even understand the concept of "the". Not only is it not funny, but it is degrading the intelligence of an entire race. There is a word for that...
8. Had the innate ability to be a human calculator.
This is a dehumanizing stereotype. Yes, Japan, Korea, Singapore and students in other Asian countries tend to do better in math than those in the US and other Western countries. So instead of that being a call to educational action, we make fun of it.
Notice the use of the word "innate", implying that math skills are not due to good education, but are skills Asians are born with (not true).
5. Slices meat with a katana
That's just stupid. More Americans have held pistols than Japanese have held katanas.
2. Can't say "parallel" to save his life
Like the "the" comment, this is simply degrading the Japanese language because it doesn't have an "r" or "l" sound like the one in English. Like that's Japan's fault. It is such an ethnocentric comment to make (much less put on a t-shirt).
Even though all Japanese study English to some degree in school, many are shy to speak English outloud with any confidence. Part of the reason for that is because of idiotic shirts like this. Japanese people KNOW they have an accent in English, and don't like it being pointed out.
The shirt is racist, idiotic, hurtful and hateful.
If you disagree, ask yourself, would you wear that shirt with pride in Japan?
Originally Posted by ninjakid
oh come on guys!! I thought it was very funny even though I am a Japanese  I didn't even expect a lot of people take it seriously and think it's so mean. I was kinda surprised. I don't think it meant to be offensive or make fun of Japanese in bad or wrong way, either.
So would you want your Japanese mother to see your GF wearing that shirt?
Listen, you asked what people think. If you don't want to hear the answers, then don't ask the questions.