Originally Posted by MMM
No Trinket, I don't think so. Comments disparaging other races based solely on being that race are racist. That isn't a "ridiculous argument" because that implies that whether or not comments are racist is strictly negotiable...and that isn't the case.
There is overt, and covert, but racially offensive is racially offensive. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Isn't the case...in your opinion.
You're right racism is there but prejudice is natural for people in general.. and it happens to be everywhere.
Personally, I find the shirt stupid and not funny and people who think it's cool to date a certain race rather...oh what's the right wording, blank minded?
The thing is, those who are prejudice stick to that view no matter what you say or do, it's wrong but it is also a lost battle. There are more important issues to worry about in the world of racism, not dumb teenager style shirts.