Originally Posted by MMM
It is so awesome that the recent cold spells in certain parts of the US (during winter) can be used to to dispel the evidence of climate change and global warming.
Why look at the facts when it is faster to look out your window?
What facts?
The IPCC and MET office predicted 2010 would be the hottest year in history. I and many others are looking out our windows now and seeing record cold weather. So where does that leave the multi-billion dollar research and computer models which predicted this to be the warmest year in history? Obviously this research was not factual, was it?
Global warming is nothing but a plot to extort money from the world's people while increasing the power of the world's governments over all of our actions.
Recently Penn State cleared Michael Mann of any wrongdoing in his part of the Climategate scandal. No surprise, the university and Michael Mann just received $2.5 million in taxpayer-funded grants to study the effects of global warming on endangered species. Were there no global warming, the university wouldn't have gotten that money, would they? It's the same around the world. Universities which promulgate global warming "theory" (and it is a theory, by the way, not a "fact") are richly funded by government. Those who's research doesn't agree with anthropogenic global warming get their funding cut.
Did you know that over the last several decades that the number of thermometers used by the IPCC to record global temperatures have been reduced by two-thirds? The thermometers in use now are located predominantly in metro areas where temperatures are in fact higher. The thermometers which are no longer being used to measure temperature trends are located in the mountains and rural areas, which have become cooler. This is why Russia objected to the temperature data used in the IPCC reports.
There are three thermometers used to measure the temperatures in Southern California, 2 are located in metro San Diego, the third is located at LAX. The thermometers which are stationed in the mountains, deserts, and other places are not included in the weather models. The IPCC realizes that the temperatures in metro areas is higher than what they would normally be were they located outside the cities, but rather than simply measure the temperatures outside the cities, they use a vague mathematical formula to compensate for the "heat island effect". The numbers they use are arbitrary, and, as it appears now, grossly optimistic.
This is why temperature charts used by the IPCC show ever-increasing temperatures (or did, temperatures now are declining so sharply that they can no longer be hidden), while tree-ring data and now satellite measurements show either no increase, or a decrease.
Satellite measurements of temperature show no significant warming of the upper troposphere, which would occurring if greenhouse gas global warming was actually occurring. But of course, this satellite data has not been included in
any of the IPCC's reports on global warming.
Tropical fish are dying in the Caribbean, livestock is freezing to death in Asia, and now the Burmese pythons and iguanas which have infested the Florida Everglades over the years are dying en mass because of the extreme cold.
Where the hell is this global warming we have been warned of ad nauseum for the last 2 decades? So far
every computer model provided by the IPCC has been proven wrong.
Where are the facts?