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aphextwin (Offline)
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Something that quickly trains me on conjugations? - 02-13-2010, 03:17 AM

I'm looking for an easy way to re-wire my mind towards conjugations so that they become second nature. Anyone have any ideas?

Ideally, it would be some quiz/trainer/game that selects from maybe 20 of the most basic verbs and then randomly asks me for a conjugation, which I then input.

For example:

Nomu, Past Progressive Negative Polite = _______ ?
Iku, Causative Positive Plain = _______ ?

Okay, you get the point. I think by going through the same 20 basic verbs or so in all their variations, maybe an hour or two a day, I'd soon be able to quickly form words on the spot. If something exists for adjectives, too, that would be an extra but not necessary. I already tried searching and the closest idea I can find to this is to manually input the data into Anki or something, but that would be really time consuming. Thanks.

Edit: If nothing exists, what is your favorite method? I could just read a lot of sentences or listen to lots of speech, but I want something that will really sear the patterns into my brain lol. I'm guessing a trainer would be best.

Last edited by aphextwin : 02-13-2010 at 03:20 AM.
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